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MedPay Coverage Insurance Claim

Beyond Personal Injury Protection

Insurance companies only pay 80 percent of medical bills and only up to $10,000, therefore optional MedPay coverage is advisable. MedPay covers the remaining 20 percent of your medical bills that personal injury protection coverage does not cover, as well as any medical expenses beyond the $10,000 personal injury protection limit, sometimes two or three times the limit. Sarasota injury attorney Maria Gerber provides personal, yet aggressive representation to her clients and can help with your MedPay coverage case.

Like uninsured/underinsured coverage, MedPay coverage also costs insurance companies a hefty amount if another driver injures you, and the insurance company may try various tricks to reduce its payout to your providers and to you. However, please be aware that aside from Personal Injury Protection Coverage (PIP), should any of your medical bills be paid under an automobile insurance policy affording Medical Payments benefits, the insurance company may place a lien against the settlement of your case.

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Depending on the unique circumstances surrounding your accident, injuries or personal situation, we will also prompt you for more details.

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Simply put, the automobile insurance company may assert its right to be reimbursed from the settlement of your case for payments it has made on your behalf as a result of the accident/incident. Likewise, should your medical bills be paid under an insurance policy affording health care, workers' compensation and/or Medicaid/Medicare benefits, the insurance company will assert its right to reimbursement from the settlement of your case pursuant to Florida Statute/law.

Contact Gerber Law today for a FREE consultation if you have been in a motor vehicle accident to learn about what Attorney Gerber can do for you. Maria Gerber offers personal, yet aggressive representation, and you will always work directly with a lawyer. With offices in Sarasota and Venice, Florida, Gerber Law serves the southwest coast of Florida.

Contact us by calling 941-484-2700 or by emailing us.

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Please call 941-484-2700 for a free consultation if another person’s negligence has injured you or has injured or killed a family member. Unlike large companies, the firm treats clients in a personal and caring way.