The many large trucks, semis and tractor-trailers that many people see on Florida’s roads can intimidate other drivers due to their massive size. However, many people take comfort in the assumption that those driving are well-trained in both the operation of their vehicles and the best practices to avoid accidents.
Yet despite this extensive experience and training, one should remember that truck drivers are still human, and thus subject to the same errors in judgment that others are. Unfortunately, their errors can often produce catastrophic results.
Box truck collision in Orlando ends with fatality
One need only look at the outcome of a recent accident in Orlando to confirm this fact. According to, a man driving a box truck made an ill-advised turn while traveling along Landstreet Road, entering into the path of an oncoming vehicle. That vehicle struck the truck, and then ran into a semi-truck stopped in traffic. Despite first responders rushing her to a local hospital for treatment, a woman traveling as a passenger in the car died. The driver of the car also sustained serious injuries in the accident. Reports indicate that the drivers of both the box truck and the semi-truck avoided injuries in the collision. Law enforcement authorities reported that the box truck driver could face criminal charges.
Accountability for truck accidents
Truck drivers should face liability for their careless or reckless actions. Yet does liability for a truck accident end there? Oftentimes accident victims may also look to hold the truck companies employing drivers who cause accidents responsible (as the drivers act as their agents). Applying vicarious liability in such accidents is possible, yet can introduce complexities into a liability case. Therefore, those looking to do so may first want to enlist the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer in Sarasota.